Monday, August 31, 2009

Uncharted waters for Captain Richard Phillips - The Boston Globe

Uncharted waters for Captain Richard Phillips - The Boston Globe

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UNDERHILL, Vt. - For five days in April, he was at the center of a high-seas hostage drama that captured the world’s attention. Richard Phillips - the cargo ship captain held captive by Somali pirates, then rescued in a daring plan lifted straight from a made-for-TV-movie script - became a star-spangled American hero, albeit a reluctant one.

His first phone call was with family members waiting anxiously back in Vermont. His second was with President Obama, who talked NBA hoops with Phillips, a Winchester, Mass., native and hardcore Celtics fan. Jay Leno and Barbara Walters sent food baskets. Senators and talk-show producers flooded his in-box with messages. He threw out the first pitch at a Red Sox game. In May, he and his wife, Andrea, had an Oval Office audience with Obama.

Key Republicans bail on ‘Obama-care’; Dems’ options narrow |

Key Republicans bail on ‘Obama-care’; Dems’ options narrow |

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An open letter to Massachusetts Attorney General, Martha Coakely

Ms. Coakley, what does one need to do to lodge a complaint against the legislature and/or the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for pursuing a course of action that is illegal, unconstitutional, and unconscionable? I am watching as the movement for Governor Patrick to name a replacement by edict grows on Beacon Hill amongst the alleged Representatives of the citizens of Massachusetts. I was expecting someone from your office long ago to step forward and inform the assembled mob of angry lawmakers that their desire to protect a national filibuster-proof majority in Washington and to forward President Obama’s agenda is not the business of the Commonwealth.

Articles IV and V of the Massachusetts Constitution, and the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution state clearly that a)we are a sovereign state and b)that it is the job of our state legislators to protect our commonwealth, and our interests, not one political party or another’s;
Article IV. The people of this commonwealth have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign, and independent state; and do, and forever hereafter shall, exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not, or may not hereafter, be by them expressly delegated to the United States of America in Congress assembled.

Article V. All power residing originally in the people, and being derived from them, the several magistrates and officers of government, vested with authority, whether legislative, executive, or judicial, are their substitutes and agents, and are at all times accountable to them.

The 10th Amendment;The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This being the case, why are a bunch of Senators and Congressmen from outside of our state – hiding behind the thin veil of Ted Kennedy’s name – pressuring our lawmakers to violate our constitution, to represent the needs in Washington above the needs of Massachusetts? Harry Reid is concerned about our Senatorial appointment? I just spent 3 months in Reno on active duty with the Massachusetts National Guard, and he is under fire back home because he has become such a stooge of the Democrat Party that he is scarcely even still considered a Nevadan. And he wants to tell the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts how to select our Senator? Why also are our lawmakers and Governor Patrick so eager to comply with those wishes? No, forget Patrick, he is a Chicago carpetbagger, his presence here is a monument to Massachusetts electoral naïveté and a testament to Barrack Obama’s charmed political existence. Who else would be so lucky to have a personal pawn of his own in a pivotal position to name the last vote he needs to rig his healthcare bill vote? Forget the Governor, he was in the bag long ago, and will soon be off to Washington with his book deals and details, no longer our problem.

But what of the Legislature? I risk and invite the prospect of State IRS audit like Joe the Plumber in Ohio, having my National Guard packets smeared by digital brownshirts, and the possibility of limitless other bureaucratic wrath that this monolithic state can and does daily visit upon it’s citizens being called down upon me by asking this question, by sending a copy of this to every legislator that touches every part of my life. I accept that risk, these are questions that need asking, and I’ll be the target if need be by asking them. What about the Legislature? Are they so far gone now, sucked into the blind partisan zeal that defined Ted Kennedy above all else, that they can be beckoned to from the deathbed, appealed to as fellow partisans to protect Party over People? Do they not even feel the need to pretend to care about the citizens of the Commonwealth anymore? Does the following ring a bell to any members on the Hill any longer?

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Does the Massachusetts Legislature so quickly scorn the will of the people? If so, then Massachusetts will stand as a cautionary tale of the hegemony of the Democratic Party in America, a clear sign that absolute power does corrupt absolutely. And, most of the Legislature will be out in the cold, cruel private sector next election, because even the naïve, union beholden, reliable Democrat voters of Massachusetts can see through this one. The Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is prepared to violate the will of the people, the exo post facto clause(Section 10, Clause 1, Article 1) of the U.S. Constitution prohibiting retroactive changes to “the legal consequences of acts committed or the legal status of facts and relationships that existed prior to the enactment of the law”? And they are prepared to violate the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and Articles IV and V of the Massachusetts Constitution for the whimsy of a failing President? And the Attorney General is prepared to sit by idly and watch them?

Well, this is still America, and we the people will have our day in court, and our day at the polls. So again, my question to you Ms. Coakley, is to whom should I address these concerns if you will not address them? I was under the impression that “The Attorney General is the chief lawyer and law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As such, she represents the Commonwealth in many matters in which the Commonwealth is a party.” I got that impression from your web site. And frankly, I would think that a person in such stated position would require no urgings from a private citizen to step in and inform the wayward lawmakers(lawbreakers) if the illegality of their stated intended actions. But this not being the case, please assist me in the procedural requirements to move this complaint forward.

And please, do not answer that the path to recourse lies through my Representative – Ed Markey only represents Democrats, and duly does not respond to any of my correspondence. Also, please inform me (or direct your staffers to do so) where I need to go next if your office decides the best course of action is to broom this complaint and stiff arm me; I was a Squad Leader overseas, and as such I was required to sometimes give people answers they did not care for. Possessing integrity, I always informed my subordinates during these times of their rights and avenues up the chain of command to pursue just treatment and satisfactory redress of complaints as needed. If the Army can afford such luxuries, I would like to think the Massachusetts system of government still can.

And yes, I am a private citizen on my own time, on my own dime, and I just took 2 hours out of my busy schedule on a work night when I’d rather be reading a book or watching TV with my wife to write this out, do not think I take your (in)actions or mine lightly.

Thank you.
Nick McNulty
Medford MA

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Report:Markey legislation would hurt working Americans

Massachusetts will be hit as follows by this ill conceived bill, authored by Massachusetts Representative Ed Markey;

For the state of Massachusetts, over
the 2012–2035 timeframe, on average
the Waxman–Markey bill would:

Lower gross state product by $8,043 million
Reduce personal income by $3,207 million
Destroy 21,810 jobs
Raise electricity prices by $556.25 per household
Raise gasoline prices by $0.66 per gallon

Source: Heritage Foundation calculations based on the IHS/Global
Insight U.S. Macroeconomic and Energy models.

August 19, 2009
Impact of the Waxman–Markey Climate Change Legislation on the States
by David Kreutzer, Ph.D., Karen Campbell, Ph.D., William W. Beach, Ben Lieberman and Nicolas Loris

On June 26, the House of Representatives narrowly passed climate change legislation designed by Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Edward Markey (D-MA). The 1,427-page bill would restrict greenhouse gas emissions from industry, mainly carbon dioxide from the combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas.

If passed by the Senate, the bill would burden families with thousands of dollars per year in direct and indirect energy costs. According to a new study produced by Heritage's Center for Data Analysis (CDA), forecasts severe consequences—including crushing energy costs, millions of jobs lost and falling household income—if Congress enacts the so-called Waxman-Markey bill.

Full article